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CISV USA - Building Global Friendship

Peace is possible through friendship - and the real difference can be made by starting with children. This is the basis for all CISV activities.

Although we are a non-profit, charitable organization, there are costs in developing, improving and expanding our global network of programmes, camps and events that are enjoyed each year by thousands of participants.

This is where your financial support is valued and is put to good use. There are several ways to provide financial support to CISV, either by making a donation, or by joining us as a Sponsor.

See how to Donate and Sponsor Us for more information.

One unique way to give to CISV USA is to purchase the book Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. A portion of the sale of this book goes to CISV USA to fund different projects.

Copyright 2010 | CISV USA, CISV International Ltd. | (ph) 513.674.9242 (f) 513.674.9249 | Company Reg. 3672838 | Reg. Charity 1073308
A Member of U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy CISVUSA