Corporate Sponsorship

CISV USA - Building Global Friendship

CISV International is a not-for-profit, independent organization dedicated to improving global understanding and peace education. With national associations in over 60 countries, your support of CISV International will bring your social values into focus at both the global and grassroots levels. It will also increase your profile in a very positive way.

There are several alternatives open to sponsorship, ranging from sponsorship of projects and activities to sponsoring concrete "products" such as yearly publications that are distributed to over 60 countries worldwide.

If you would like more information concerning CISV's sponsorship possibilities, contact CISV USA's Fundraising Team who will provide you with concrete material that will help you better understand the advantages of a partnership with CISV USA.

Copyright 2010 | CISV USA, CISV International Ltd. | (ph) 513.674.9242 (f) 513.674.9249 | Company Reg. 3672838 | Reg. Charity 1073308
A Member of U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy CISVUSA